goat horn image


Oh, snappers! Welcome to Hermitcraft Horns! It means a lot to me that you're here. 🎉

As an avid viewer of Hermitcraft, I found myself seeing the same two sentiments echoed over and over in the comment sections of the hermits' videos: "That quote would make a great horn!" & "What episode is that horn from?"

& since there isn't a place to easily create & share those moments, I made one everyone can use for free!

Here, you can easily load up any YouTube video in the Create tab & create as many downloadable horns of all of your favorite Hermit quotes as you want, along with viewing others' favorite quotes too! Download as many as you want & use them in your own servers!

On top of that, you can find the context of any horn by simply clicking 'View clip' on a horn & the source video will be automatically loaded into the Create tab with the clip already set up for you so you won't have to wonder what episode or how far into the episode it's from! Whether it's from an episode or a livestream, you can easily find the context of any horn!

& of course, this is just the initial release of the site. There will be many optimizations & additional features added to make the site faster & more functional as our horn collection gets bigger, so this is just the beginning.

The code is open source so if you're a coder, feel free to check out the Hermitcraft Horns GitHub repo & give it a star! 🌟

I don't use socia media much but if you have any suggestions, feedback, or issues, you can reach out to my Reddit account at @dreadhalor or open an issue in the GitHub repo & I'll get back to you as soon as I can, though first I may have to put you on hold...

& if you're feeling generous, you can buy me a coffee to help keep me awake & coding! ☕️ As amazing as the Hermitcraft community has been in adopting this site, all the traffic does mean this site is no longer cheap to run & since I'm unemployed at the moment I could use all the help I can get to keep it running smoothly!

Speaking of which, if anyone's looking for a software engineer... I'm ✨recently unemployed & could use a job✨ 😉